2020. What a year…
Wow. 2020. Where do I even begin with this one!?
Firstly, I am going to acknowledge the amazing industry that I work in and fellow photographers that I have been able to lean on this year. Whether that be advice surrounding the latest government announcements, training to help me better myself and my business for 2021, general life support, headshots…they have been amazing. I am finishing 2020 with a stronger network than previous years that is for sure.
This year didn’t feel like at times it had much to celebrate, especially for the faces that should have been in this blog that will now be in my 2021 round up. To you I really am so sorry that your celebrations got caught up in the year that was 2020, truly. Your day will be that much sweeter in 2021.
To the 8 couples that I did manage to photograph this year, congratulations! For me your wedding day seemingly had a halo around it. You were my success stories of 2020. It’s a privilege to photograph weddings in any given year, but this year it felt like so much more of an honour because I got to know everyone so well. At times organising a wedding must have seemed like a version of the hunger games, living from one announcement to the next and wondering what on earth the ‘gods’ were going to throw at you next. But you did it! Thank you for having me there with you.
To all of the couples that got engagement and had me there to capture you in your bubble (love bubble, not Covid bubble!) thank you! I am so happy that 2020 for you will hold happy memories of starting a new chapter together.
And 2020 for me personally….well…I’m still standing. It’s taught me a lot and made me realise how resilient I am. I would be lying though if I said, just like everyone else, there were some really hard days. Not having Christmas with our families hit us hard as we don’t live near them and it was the one thing keeping us going. But we dusted ourselves and kept our heads down trying to make it as special for our little boy as what we could.
I would like to finish by offering a huge amount of thanks for the year that was 2020. Personally, to my husband who professionally himself has had a tough year, but this year has just been my rock. My little boy for giving me a purpose to try and be positive each day. You have handled this year with so much grace and I am so proud to call you mine. As a family we were gifted so much time together and that for me was the biggest silver lining of this year. My mum, dad and brother who I haven’t seen anywhere near as much as I wanted to but I know we will celebrate properly when we can. My friends, oh my friends. I have the most amazing friends; they are the best. Our weekly pub quizzes, texts when you’re feeling down, presents through the post…gestures that have kept me going.
And finally, a huge thank you to the strangers that have helped me, and the rest of the nation, keep going. The front-line workers whether those be in the NHS, my local Tesco or our bin men. Whoever you are. Thank you. You’re amazing. 2020 really belongs to you.
2020, you’ve been a bitch at times but it’s also shown that no matter what life throws your way…Love. Always. Wins.
Wishing you all an easier 2021. With much love,
Claire x